Toda la informaci贸n del futsal de Guatemala, Liga Mayor, Ascenso, Femenina, Selecci贸n Nacional y noticias internacionales

Selecci贸n Nacional

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Futsal502 hace 2 meses 1 minutos de lectura
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El d铆a de ayer, en el partido de Guatemala ante Tailandia, se vio a Jenner Paniagua salir en camilla de la duela. Un mal apoyo al caer de una disputa, le hizo doblarse la rodilla de manera antinatural.

A tan solo 11 d铆as del debut de selecci贸n nacional en el Mundial de Uzbekist谩n, existe preocupaci贸n. El d铆a de ma帽ana, viernes 6 de septiembre, se le har谩 una resonancia magn茅tica para saber realmente el alcance de la lesi贸n y si podr谩 disputar su primera cita mundialista

Esperemos que todo quede en un susto.

Comentarios (25)

  • hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

    hace 2 meses

    Esmael Folkens

    Sanych It would be permanent mental home with the ground Now via this goon He had

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